It is no time for Westminster to be squeamish over spending cuts – Telegraph

President of the Adam Smith Institute Madsen Pirie says, “It is no time to be squeamish”:

The Government is trying to pitch the debate as one between cuddly and sensible economies from Labour, versus Tories “salivating about wielding the axe”. The debate has changed, however, in that the public now expects cuts and even supports them. Moreover, they trust the Tories to better implement them.

They are correct. Several studies have identified savings to be made without cutting essential services. The James report identified £35bn, the Taxpayers’ Alliance and Institute of Directors report pointed to £50bn, and the European Central Bank has said that Britain could save £96bn if its public services could operate with the efficiency achieved in the US, Australia and Japan – and without reducing actual services.

via It is no time for Westminster to be squeamish over spending cuts – Telegraph.

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