The Colours of Money — An Introduction to Associative Economics

Via The Centre for Associative Economics, the next Colours of Money Seminar takes place in Stroud UK, on the first weekend of February 2010. From the flyer:

Understanding money has never been more important than today. Whether it be unfair trade, widespread poverty, burgeoning debt or bank bail-outs, modern life is marked by a ceaseless and unhealthy chase after money, which then acts more as our master than our servant. Whether locally or globally, can we understand and use money in ways that enable competition to give way to more cooperative ways of doing business?

Derived from Rudolf Steiner’s contribution to economic and monetary history, The Colours of Money© seminar looks at the history and purpose of money and how it can be the main instrument for bringing about real and lasting change in our economic circumstances. Grounded in associative economics – an approach that covers many schools of thought, beginning with Aristotle and leading up to today’s wide range of views from mainstream to alternative – the seminar ranges from the problems of small businesses to larger questions of global finance and the power of corporations. Offering a radical yet concrete and in-depth approach to money in our times, it is presented using coloured chalk imagery on black paper, a technique intended to overcome the reputation of economics as a dismal science!

For registration and programme details, please contact: Arthur Edwards: Tel/Fax: 01453 756728 / mail AT

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