Is this what it has come to?

A depressing report from the BBC that Sean Corrigan has sent to me. We not only think it is acceptable to print funny money to try to stimulate wealth, we give fake shop fronts out to stimulate trade.

Wealth is only created by people getting their existing factors of production, land, labour and capital and forgoing a bit of consumption today to invest in better ways to make those factors of production produce more and better things for consumers in the future.

How about, honest money, low tax, no government intervention in the economy, no bloated welfare state with us paying 5.9 million people to do nothing and sit at home being either unemployed or on incapacity benefits. We have 2.7m of the latter. Hitler when he was bombing the hell out of us did not create 2.7m incapitated people!

Unleash the creative capacity of people to wealth create.

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One reply on “Is this what it has come to?”
  1. says: Jack Maturin

    I did used to think that the state was always entirely grey and uncreative when it came to wasting money. However, I think this new story demonstrates that the torrents of money they spend each year on creativity courses, for their legions of moribund staff, has had some effect after all, because this new policy is a spectacularly stupid way of wasting other people’s money. No doubt they’ll also keep business rates up in all of these depressed areas, to pay for all of these fake shop fronts to fool everyone that politicians are doing a great job after all.

    It reminds me of the fake flat-pack police cars they used to put on bridges, in an effort to slow motorway drivers down, before they realised the financial radar-trap benefits of encouraging speeding by removing all signs of the police from most roads, most of the time, so police staff could spend more time on diversity courses and get these useless courses paid for by speeding fines.

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