Politics8 March 10<8 March 10 The Fastest Growing Export of the Western Banking Industry is Fraud | zero hedge by Steve Baker Via James Tyler and zero hedge, The Fastest Growing Export of the Western Banking Industry is Fraud: Politicians and bankers would do well to head…
Economics, Ethics, Law, Society8 March 10<21 June 10 The Ethics of Capitalism: A Secular and a Theological Justification by Toby Baxendale The current debate about bankers’ bonuses is often seen as one of fairness pitted against the greed of those nasty capitalists,. To me, bankers…
Economics6 March 10<6 March 10 Ron Paul predicts a further crisis by Steve Baker Ron Paul shows that Austrian economics can be popular in the mainstream media and predicts a currency crisis.
Economics3 March 10<3 March 10 Some people doodle pictures by James Tyler Some people doodle pictures, but I’m the type who mucks around random bits of historical price data just to see where it goes. For…
Economics, Richard Cobden, Society1 March 10<1 March 10 Why I Founded the Cobden Centre by Toby Baxendale I founded the Cobden Centre inspired by the writing of F A Hayek, particularly his reference in “Denationalization of Money: the Argument Refined” (IEA,…