Austrian Economic eloquence at the IEA

Brian Micklethwait attended the Cobden Centre luncheon at the IEA on Friday, on The crisis and the Austrian theory of the business cycle, and was duly enthused by the speakers:

The invasion by Austrian Economics of the Institute of Economic Affairs continues apace, and at lunchtime today I attended this IEA event on that very timely subject staged by the Cobden Centre. The weather today has been so hot that since this meeting I could hardly stay alive and then when I had staggered home, awake, so don’t expect a long and detailed report of what was said. All I really want to say here, now, is that I was greatly impressed by the two speakers [Jörg Guido Hülsmann and Sean Corrigan], both of whom I photographed in action.

To see Brian’s photographs and to read the rest of his report, you can hop on over to my old alma mater, at

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