Why today’s political class needs Ludwig von Mises

Following the success of our lunchtime event, we’re pleased to announce an evening of Austrian economics at the IEA next Thursday, focusing on the works of Ludwig von Mises:

The credit expansion is built on the sands of banknotes
and deposits. It must collapse. – Ludwig von Mises, 1949

An IEA special event – 4pm, Thursday July 22nd, 2010

2 Lord North Street, Westminster, SW1P 3LB

Many free marketers are familiar with the works of Hayek and Friedman.

But how many have read the original works of Ludwig von Mises? Or know of his relevance today?

Mises laid the foundations on which Hayek built – and he made crucial and timeless contributions to economic thinking.

His theories foretold how mismanaged monetary policy by nationalised central banks would lead to booms, busts and crashes.

This special IEA event – featuring three stimulating sessions and a distinguished gathering of authors and thinkers – will demonstrate how Mises’ work should be at the very heart of today’s practical policy thinking.

And all attendees will receive a free copy of the IEA’s acclaimed Ludwig von Mises – a primer, by Dr. Eamonn Butler.


Session One 4:00pm-4:45pm

The life, work, importance and influence of Ludwig von Mises

  • Chairman: Prof Philip Booth, Institute of Economic Affairs
  • Speaker: Dr Eamonn Butler, Adam Smith Institute
Session Two 4:45pm-5:40pm

NHS reform: how the new government can learn from Ludwig von Mises

  • Chairman: Toby Baxendale, The Cobden Centre
  • Speaker: Dr John Meadowcroft, King’s College London
  • Commentator: Steve Baker, Conservative MP for Wycombe

Tea/coffee 5:40pm-6:00pm

Session Three 6:00pm-7:00pm

Booms, busts and crashes: what Austrian economics tells us about the crash of 2008

  • Chairman: James Tyler, Tyler Capital
  • Speaker: Dr Anthony Evans, ESCP Europe Business School
  • Commentator: Allister Heath, Editor, City A.M.

Each session will have ample time for discussion.

Places are sure to be in demand, so If you’d like to attend please RSVP by email now to IEA Reception or call: 020 7799 8900.

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