Cobden Centre Radio: James Tyler on markets, recovery, and the banking sector

In a fascinating 36 minute interview, Cobden Centre Radio’s very own Brian Micklethwait speaks to James Tyler, the Chief Executive of Tyler Capital and a member of our Cobden Centre advisory board.

Describing the world through the educated eyes of a practical businessman, Tyler describes the 2008 crash and how this brought him gradually towards the Austrian school of economics.  After uncovering these free market foundations, Tyler walks through several major aspects of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory, malinvestments, and the repercussions of government interference as executed via Gosplan-style central planning boards over the last few years, while adding a few unique and interesting observations of his own.

Moving on to how the economic land lies now, Tyler discusses how we could move forward from where we are now but what he thinks global governments will do instead, thereby keeping us in depressed financial straits for perhaps some time to come, using the Japanese two lost decades as a model for what they will probably do.

However, he does see light at the end of the tunnel and describes how we can ignite this light.

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The James Tyler article mentioned in the radio show above, can be found here:

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