Cobden Centre Radio: Dr Richard Wellings on the Comprehensive Spending Review

Last week, I interviewed Dr Richard Wellings for Cobden Centre Radio about George Osborne’s Comprehensive Spending Review, announced recently by the UK’s coalition government.  Dr Wellings is the deputy editorial director of the Institute of Economic Affairs, editor of their blog, and a senior fellow with the Cobden Centre. In this 22-minute interview we discuss quangos, foreign aid, the ring-fencing of the NHS, possible state privatisations, taxation, regulation, the presumed growth targets which are needed to make the whole thing work, and most other aspects of the review, including how it may be related to quantitative easing and how Dr Wellings thinks it will all pan out:

[At one point in the interview we discuss the great Peter Thomas Bauer and his ideas on developmental aid. For those interested in Bauer’s ideas on foreign aid and international inter-government welfare, there is a great review page on Wikipedia.]

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