Eric Sprott: Gold and silver are money again

Eric Sprott is the Chairman and CEO of Sprott Asset Management, who has over 35 years of experience in the investment industry, with funds under management of $7 billion dollars.  He spoke with Eric King recently about the gold mining markets, the physical gold and silver markets, and the ‘race to the bottom’ of the world’s fiat currencies:

Sprott thinks that the number one investment of the moment is physical silver and that over the next decade it will come out from under the radar screen of gold to outperform gold, which itself will outperform everything else.

In the shorter term, those holding short silver positions may be in a tight place, thinks Sprott, because of margin calls as silver keeps rising, especially following the Herculean work of Ted Butler and GATA.

[There’s a really interesting LRC article about that here.]

Sprott finishes the interview by briefly speaking about Hugo Salinas, the Austrian-influenced Mexican businessman, who is trying to educate the Mexican government into adopting a 1oz silver ‘Libertad’ coin as the official currency of Mexico.

[There’s a great Daily Bell article about that, here.]

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