My talk on “Contemporary work in Austrian Economics”

Towards the end of September I gave a talk on “Contemporary work in Austrian Economics” for the Adam Smith Institute. It was part of the book launch for Eamon’s Primer, which I’m hoping everyone reading this site has now had chance to read. During the talk I made a number of references, and for those who wanted to follow up you can download my notes here.pdf

Indeed just before I spoke I realised that I was sat next to a speaker, and managed to make a half decent recording. You can download the audio here: Download Aje_contemporary_1009

In a nutshell:

The message I want to get across – especially to undergraduates considering an academic career exploring Austrian ideas – is this:

  • The amount of Austrian research and the number of Austrian researchers is growing exponentially
  • Good Austrian economists are not marginalised by the economics profession
  • There have been significant advances in our understanding of economics made recently

I do this with two lists – (A) signs that the Austrian-school is a fertile, growing, respectable part of the academic community; (B) specific pieces of work that have been published since 1994 that deepen our understanding of the science of economics.

I should add that Angel Martin emailed me to point out that the Ben Powell article I cite (Powell, Benjamin 2005. “State Development Planning: Did it Create an East Asian Miracle?” Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 18. No. 3/4) is *not* about the East Asian crisis, but about the East Asian growth. Fair point.

For more of my lectures see here.

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