Libertarian Legal Theory

We are pleased to promote this upcoming course from the Mises Academy:

Stephan Kinsella, a libertarian attorney and writer, Senior Fellow with the Mises Institute and editor of Libertarian Papers, is teaching his second Mises Academy course later this month, entitled “Libertarian Legal Theory: Property, Conflict, and Society.”

This is a 6 week course to be held on Monday evenings, 9pm-1030pm EST (New York time) (Jan. 31-Mar. 11, 2011), with “office hours” later in the week for followup questions at an earlier time more suitable for students in Europe and elsewhere.

Kinsella describes the course in his article “Introduction to Libertarian Legal Theory,” Mises Daily (Jan. 3, 2011), and what the Mises Academy is like in “Teaching an Online Mises Academy Course,” Mises Daily (Jan. 10, 2011).

His previous Mises Academy course, Rethinking Intellectual Property: History, Theory, and Economics, was very popular with students, one noting:

Thank you so very much for all the excellent work — very few classes have really changed my life dramatically, actually only 3 have, and all 3 were classes I took at the Mises Academy, starting with Rethinking Intellectual Property (PP350) (the other two were EH476 (Bubbles), and PP900 (Private Defense)). …The IP class was a total blast — finally (finally) sound reasoning. All the (three) classes I took dramatically changed the way I see the world. I’m still digesting it all, to tell the truth. Very few events in my life have managed to make me feel like I wished I was 15 all over again. Thank you. …

Further description of the Mises Academy may be found in Daniel Sanchez’s Mises Daily article The Significance and Success of the Mises Academy.

More information on the Libertarian Legal Theory course may be found at

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