The 2020 Tax Commission

Exciting news from Matthew Sinclair on Friday:

This morning we have announced the formation of the new TaxPayers’ Alliance and Institute of Directors (IoD) 2020 Tax Commission.

At the moment policymakers are trying to work out how to deal with the deficit, and at the TPA we’ve done a huge amount of work on how we can cut spending, and a previous joint project with the IoD set out £50 billion of potential savings. But those of us who think that we are better off leaving money in people’s pockets, having low taxes that reward the hard work and investment that is and will be the basis of our prosperity, need to go beyond TINA. Our pitch to the public can’t just be about dire necessity, in the face of the very real threat that Britain could have moved from the status of secure safe haven to the next Greece/Ireland/Portugal. We need a plan and to show why tax reform should be a priority once the economy and the public finances are recovering.

The Tax Commission boasts many familiar names, including Cobden Centre founding fellow Anthony J. Evans. For more information, visit

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One reply on “The 2020 Tax Commission”
  1. says: chef

    Are the Taxpayers’ Alliance ideologically prepared to do what’s necessary? I must say I have my doubts about them, despite the attractive rhetoric I get the feeling that the TA is just another vehicle being used by middle class accountancy types to further their own careers. Perhaps I’m being a little cynical?

    *tried a HTML tag, if it didn’t work I’ll have to try again!

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