TCC ideas go down well with 100 YBF youngsters

A couple of days ago I was delighted to address 100 students and youngsters involved with the Young Britons Foundation. Led by Donal Blaney, this organisation does so much to inform and inspire young people interested in current affairs, the history of ideas and leadership.

Hosted in Committee Room 10 of the House of Commons, I spoke for 15 minutes on the recent financial crisis. Providing a critique of state-failure and the underlying institutional architecture of our so-called market economy, the audience was clearly fascinated by the view that because we have a nationalised fiat currency, a statutory central bank and a semi-Sovietised monetary policy committee at its heart of our economy, simplistic notions of market-failure to explain what has happened will not suffice.

This was a fast paced and racy event. From my question and answer session it was clear that many of those present had had their minds opened to a perspective that they will now go on to explore further of their own volition. Other speakers included Steve Baker MP, Iain Dale, Sajid Javid MP, Rt. Hon Peter Lilley MP, James Delingpole, Douglas Carswell MP, Simon Richards and Shane Frith: to name but a fraction of the full list.

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