I got quite a shock, this week, when I was brutally awoken from my usual somnolent ‘Tube-Traveller’ state, by the following billboard advertisement; this epiphanic moment occurred on the southbound Bakerloo Tube platform, at Paddington Station. It would appear that IG Index really do have their finger on the pulse:
The Mogambo Guru would also have been proud of a second image from their Tube campaign:
Alas, they failed to fulfil the Mogambo holy triumvirate of gold, oil, and silver, and targeted the spine-numbing George “Growth from Tax Increases” Osborne, for their third effort:
However, we can only hope that IG Index see this piece soon and correct this lack-of-silver-advert error, with a fourth informational offering.
How rare, I thought, that something memorable and wondrous could happen on a Tube station platform? If a silver advert appears, as the fourth advert in the stable, I shall let the Guru know.
In the meantime, when the BBC Newsnight programme starts quoting the closing gold price at 11:15pm, rather than the pound-dollar paper-shuffling price, we will really know that we have entered a truly new paradigm.