Friday video interlude: The dollar is in its death throes

Although we must bear in mind that one of these gentlemen works for a fund which holds a billion dollars worth of private gold and silver, and the other gentleman runs a business which makes its living from holding enormous amounts of private gold and silver, there is much that is interesting in this very recent (11th of May) half-hour discussion between John Embry, of Sprott Asset Management, and James Turk, of GoldMoney. They discuss gold, silver, the markets, fiat currency, the banking system, and what will follow when the current world fiat currency system eventually collapses:

Here’s the accompanying description:

John Embry discusses gold and silver with James Turk

In this video, John Embry – Chief Investment Strategist at the Canadian firm Sprott Asset Management – discusses the recent correction in the silver price with James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation. John argues that long-term savers and investors in precious metals should not panic in the face of such corrections, and also discusses the growing divergence between the paper and the physical silver market, and how we are in the early stages of a big rise in precious metals prices. Watch the full 30-minute interview at

A full text transcription is available here.

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