A grand and sound marriage!

Ten years ago, I got into a lot of (understandable) trouble when in the middle of our wedding reception my wife found me giving out business cards whilst attempting a number of philosophically sound deals with some of the guests. Quite rightly, Helen pointed out that this was not the time nor the place for such ventures – after all, this was our big day!

Last weekend I attended the magnificent wedding of Shane Frith and his wonderful bride, Erica. Shane is a Kiwi who has lived in London for the best part of a decade and has made a successful career in free market think tanks. The wedding took place in Erica’s hometown of Lytham St. Annes and I was driven up there by my old friend Dr. Syed Kamall MEP. It was a grand affair and there were a number of TCC supporters present – including Syed.

Now, given my ‘machinations’ ten years ago I cannot tell you how much I – and other guests present – laughed when in walking into Shane and Erica’s wedding breakfast we found that each of the tables were named after a sound thinker including Ludwig von Mises, Fredrick Hayek and even Ayn Rand. Indeed, I sat there in heaven when in the middle of the groom’s speech, Shane managed to weave in direct praise for the Austrian school of economics!

Shane and Erica, thank you so much for such a lovely weekend. On behalf of all The Cobden Centre team we wish you every success for your future and, well, keep up the good work!

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One reply on “A grand and sound marriage!”
  1. says: Tom Burroughes

    It was a brilliant wedding and they are a wonderful couple. My wife and I were delighted to be there.

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