Engaging friends from the Balkans and Eastern Europe

This morning, I addressed on behalf of TCC twenty young people at a ‘Balkans and Eastern Europe Regional Youth Conference’, hosted in London.

Under the heading, ‘Creating a Framework for Economic Progress in Europe and Beyond’, I spoke about the Austrian School of Economics, the financial crisis and how a genuine market in banking and currencies would facilitate more robust and sustainable prosperity.

It was a fun and memorable event and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the participants for such excellent engagement: Ilir Azizolli and Ujezi Brecani from Albania; Hristo Hristov Panchugov and Veronika Dimitrova Gyurova from Bulgaria; Jasmin Spahic and Nina Mehic from Bosnia; Nikola Srebro and Jelena Elcija from Bosnia-Herzegovina; Archil Tsertsvadze and Ana Samsonia from Georgia; Hristina Runceva MP and Stojan Lazarov from Macedonia; Viorel Garaz and Ion Butmalai from Moldova; Mila Jasovic and Nikola Bajcetic from Montenegro, and; Marina Kvrzic, Nenad Todorovic, Sanja Bogosavljevic and Mihajlo Zdravkovic from Serbia.

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2 replies on “Engaging friends from the Balkans and Eastern Europe”
  1. says: Marina Kvrzic

    Dear Mr Evans,

    Thank You for wonderful, funny and enlightening lecture. As a student of literature, this was the first time that I enjoyed listening lecture about economy.

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