Robert Wenzel: The parallels of Soviet Russia and modern day America

Another one of my interviews for GoldMoney Foundation, this time with Robert Wenzel, of Economic Policy Journal, on the subject of his Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture at the recent Austrian Economics Research Conference, in Auburn, Alabama, at the Mises Institute. We spoke mainly about how the topic of his speech – the long slow collapse of the Soviet Union – and how it could be applied to modern western economies.

Episode 109: On behalf of the GoldMoney Foundation, Andy Duncan interviews Robert Wenzel at the Austrian Economics Research Conference 2013 in Auburn Alabama.

At the conference this year, Wenzel is delivering the The Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture. His topic: “An Examination of Key Factors in the Collapse of the Soviet Union” leads the discussion. Wenzel, the editor and publisher of, argues that the commonly held view of President Reagan being instrumental in the downfall of the Soviet Union is questionable and that the policies of Gorbachev were the pivotal components.

The time it took for the Soviet Union to collapse was around 70 years and Wenzel describes 4 reasons why this was so and how these concepts may apply to modern day economic conditions in America.

Tribute is then paid to the late Henry Hazlitt, his work and contribution to economics.

For those interested in hearing the whole of Robert’s speech on the Soviet Union, you can watch that here:

This podcast was recorded on 21 March 2013 and previously published at The Euro Vigilante.

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