John Embry: ‘everyone should look at Zero Hedge’

Episode 131: GoldMoney’s Andy Duncan talks to John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management (, about the “Great Gold Takedown”, the road to hyperinflation, and the Orwellian nature of government economic information.

Along the way they discuss the possible financial fallout from the recent Bilderberg meeting and other clandestine conferences, good sources of truthful information for GoldMoney clients, and when western central banks might run out of precious metal.

They also touch upon black swans, how to remain motivated in the possible face of gold price suppression, and the realistic potential of future world monies based upon gold.

This podcast was recorded on 11 June 2013 and previously published at The Euro Vigilante.

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One reply on “John Embry: ‘everyone should look at Zero Hedge’”
  1. says: Captain Skin

    Good interview. And yes, Zero Hedge is the number ONE source of information on finance and politics in the world today…

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