Cobden Centre trustee elected to UK parliamentary committee

Steve Baker MP, one of the Cobden Centre’s trustees, has been elected to the House of Commons’ Treasury Select Committee.

The Treasury Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration and policy of HM Treasury, HM Revenue & Customs, and associated public bodies, including the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority.

He said: “This result shows that a growing number of people in Parliament as well as across the UK see ideas about honest money as a crucial part of today’s economic debate.”

A recent interview with Steve Baker was posted by the Cobden Centre last week here.

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2 replies on “Cobden Centre trustee elected to UK parliamentary committee”
  1. says: AndyV

    Congratulations Steve. I have to say you are one of the few politicians that I genuinely believe have good use; and your decent knowledge of economics should hopefully enlighten a few MP’s. I hope you don’t hold back, and go all out Ron Paul on him. It really was quite tragic watching the last select committee with Carney announcing he would ‘target unemployment’ with the buffoons sat their lapping it up, in belief that a man at a central bank pressing buttons was the way we we’re going to get out of this mess. I have no doubt he will just go into Bernanke mode, and revert to using fuzzy language. The reality is we are monetizing the debt, and Carney is there more as PR man, as opposed to central banker, until government spending is brought under control its just a bluff game, so in some ways that makes slightly ambivalent if much good can arise.

  2. says: Steven Farrall

    Steve, here is your mission if you wish to accept it…
    Monday 12th May. Shut down the Financial Catastophe Authority. Take afternoon off.
    Tuesday 13th May. Sort the banks as proposed by your friend Douglas Carswell. Take the afternoon off.
    Wednesday 14th May. Denationalise money. Take afternoon off..
    Thursday 15th May. Sack that twerp who is Govenor of the Bank of England whose name I cannot ben bothered to recall….Carney, that’s it…and appoint somebody who isn’t a state central planning numpty and doesn’t have mad ideas like ‘forward Guidance’.
    Friday Reverse the ability of HMRC to raid peoples bank accounts without a Court Order. Friday Lunchtime. We’ll all buy you lunch. Friday afternoon go home and have the weekend off in the certain knowledge of a job well done.

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