Legatum Institute Event: “Sweating our Assets: Yield not Ownership is the Solution”

Dag Detter, former advisor to the Swedish government and author of The Public Wealth of Nations, will be in conversation with Legatum Institute’s Tim Montgomerie to discuss how, if governments manage their assets better, they could generate annual returns of $3 trillion.


For more than a quarter of a century there has been a phony war raging between those in favour of public ownership of commercial assets and those against: privatisation versus nationalisation. This debate has missed the point. What matters is not so much who owns the assets but the quality of asset management.


State-owned assets can generate a higher rate of return — if governments follow a few sensible rules.


Monday, 23 February 2015
17:45 for a 18:00 start
followed by a drinks reception



Legatum Institute,

11 Charles Street,
London, W1J 5DW


To Register:
Please email chloe.sanham (at) li.com

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