Money5 October 15<2 August 16 A Unifying Theory: Money, Goods and Services are Instruments of Expectations-Management by Vishal Wilde The following paper was written for The Cobden Centre by Vishal Wilde. Vishal Wilde is a finalist studying for a BSc (Hons) in…
Book Reviews2 October 15<29 September 15 Federal Government Introduces a New Macro Statistic: A Triumph in Supply-side “Austrian” Economics and Say’s Law by Mark Skousen Mark Skousen, The Structure of Production. New York University Press. Third revised edition, 2015, 402 pages. $26 paperback. Available on Kindle. To buy…
Money1 October 15<28 September 15 Dammit, Janet by Tim Price According to Einstein, time is affected by gravity. Clocks far from strong gravitational fields run more quickly; those close by run more slowly. We…
Announcements1 October 15<30 September 15 Economics & International Studies Seminar: John Phelan by John Phelan 14 October 2015 16:15 – 18:00 John Phelan, Capital Economics “The Road Not Taken – The Hard ECU; Britain’s Alternative to the Euro” In 2009…