Benn Steil and Emma Smith’s Global Monetary Tracker

Emma Smith and I have created a new web-based tool for tracking monetary policy developments around the world.

The CFR Global Monetary Policy Tracker is an innovative visual interactive that allows you to see quickly and easily what the world’s central banks are doing at any point in time, individually and in aggregate. All on one screen.

Who is tightening policy? Who is loosening policy? And what is the policy stance of the world as a whole? Just look at the color-coded map!  You can also find inflation, growth, and other data just by tapping or mousing over individual countries.

We trust you’ll find the Tracker both informative and enjoyable.

All best regards,

Benn Steil

Follow me on Twitter @BennSteil, and read about my latest book, The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order:

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