The Future of Money Conference

Last Friday I had the pleasure of giving the keynote speech at the Future of Money Conference in Leipzig. This was one of the best monetary events so far, the speakers were all of the highest calibre and it was great discussing Austrian School concepts with some of the top thinkers in Germany.

Thanks to all of the team at The Future of Money Conference and thanks to the others who made it possible – see below for their organisation names.

Thanks also to Commerzbank for hosting the event at their headquarters.

I also stayed in Leipzig for an extra few days and caught a couple of Wagner operas hence only writing about this today – appropriately enough given the state of the global banking system and the looming collapse of the global debt super-bubble one of the operas I saw was Götterdämmerung.

Here is the outline of the event:

Freitag, 30.06.2017 (Leipzig): Konferenztag
Ort: Commerzbank Verwaltungszentrale Leipzig, Dittrichring 5-9, 04109 Leipzig
10:00-10:15: Begrüßung und Vorstellung des Ablaufs
10:15-11:15: Niedrig-, Null und Negativzinsen – Geldpolitik in der Sackgasse
Gunther Schnabl (Leipzig University)
11:30-12:30: Der Untergang der Geldordnung
Thomas Mayer (Flossbach von Storch Research Institute)
12:30 – 13.30: Mittagsimbiss
13:30 – 15:00: Die Blockchain und Bitcoin Revolution?
Roman Beck ( IT University of Copenhagen );
Oliver Flaskämper (Priority Aktiengesellschaft);
Mariusz C. Bodek (KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft);
Moderation: Christian Hoffmann (Leipzig University)
15:00 – 15:30: Kaffeepause
15:30 – 16:30: The Future of Money in the Information Age (Held in English language)
Max Rangeley (Cobden Center)
16.30 – 17.00: Kaffeepause
17.00 – 17.15: Input: Bargeldabschaffung, Blockchain, Nullzins – Was ist die Zukunft des
Christian Hoffmann (Leipzig University)
17.15 – 18.45: Podiumsdiskussion: Bargeldabschaffung, Blockchain, Nullzins – Was ist die
Zukunft des Geldes?
Jörg Rahn (M.M.Warburg & CO)
Frank Schäffler (FDP)
Christian Hoffmann (Leipzig University)
Moderation: Christian Huß (VSA e.V.)

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