First Annual Economic Freedom Summit in European Parliament

The first Annual Economic Freedom Summit took place in the European Parliament last week on the 11th and 12th April. Initiated by Amjad Bashir MEP, it was a great success and — at last for two days — brought classical liberal ideas back where they belong: within parliaments and governments.

The future of liberalism in Europe
The future of liberalism in the Middle East and Africa
The event had a great lineup
A broad spectrum of speakers contributed

I gave a speech on central banking and had a debate with the head of IMF Europe on “Central Banks: The Solution or the Problem?” Many policy makers spoke to me afterwards about how they were not aware of the issues surrounding monetary policy — hopefully we can start to extend the debate of central banking into parliaments, too. More on this next week.

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One reply on “First Annual Economic Freedom Summit in European Parliament”
  1. says: Steven Farrall

    “…policy makers not aware of the issues surrounding monetary policy…”. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. And these self confessed ignoramus professional to ‘rule’ us? Face palm moment.

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