State of the Markets Podcast


complete show notes & links:
Tim F Price @timfprice of
& Paul Rodriguez @prodr1guez of join 
Sean Corrigan of Cantillon Consulting
Tim’s media pick and links:
Spitfire movie documentary:
Sean’s links:
Past catalogue at www.truesinewscom
Company website as below 
Recent publications
Sean’s recommended books on Austrian Economics:
Easiest way to get into the mindset, written for the layman:
Introductory: Economics in One Lesson – Henry Hazlitt ISBN 0-517-54823-2
For the economically more experienced, but still readable; a great debunking of Keynes:
The Economics of Illusion – Albert Hahn ISBN 0-87034-040-9
Best, most readable treatment of Austrian Capital theory, though still requires some effort:
Capital & Production – Richard von Strigl ISBN 0-945466-31-5
A marvellous, fictionalized series of interlinked vignettes about 1959 Russia which illustrates the failing of collectivism (seriously, not at all dry – a great read):
Red Plenty – Francis Spufford ISBN 978-0-571-22524-8
And my own, Kindle publication on the parallels between (mainly) 19th century booms and busts and our more recent experience (ignore the first few pages corporate puffery on behalf of my previous employer who published it!):
Santayana’s Curse – Sean Corrigan Amazon Digital Services ASIN: B007E9N8O0

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