Opening at IEA for Academic and Research Director (A&RD)

There is a good opening at the IEA for someone with the requisite skills. You can see more here:

Below is a short outline:

“The IEA is looking to recruit a new Academic and Research Director (A&RD) following Syed Kamall’s elevation to the House of Lords.

The A&RD role broadly covers three areas of work and activity. Ideally, we are looking for a candidate who is exceptional in all of these areas. We are, however, open to the possibility of a more flexible recruitment approach. We appreciate that the role is highly specialised and requires an unusual and diverse range of skills, talents and experience.

A number of the key areas of work listed below are, at least to some degree, carried out not only by the current A&RD but also by various members of the current IEA staff. We can easily imagine a scenario in which we recruit an individual to undertake large parts of the role outlined below while repurposing or refocusing some of the present IEA staff to take on responsibilities for other areas.

To that end, we welcome applications from candidates who believe they have exceptional ability in one or more of the areas outlined below, but we would consider outstanding ability in the first area – research – to be a prerequisite.”

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