Mike Shedlock: Investors Rush to Buy Nearly 1 in 4 Homes

Investors are buying huge percentages of existing home sales.

Share of Homes Going to Investors

Corelogic reports Single-Family Investor Activity Surges in the Second Quarter.

Large investors (those who retain 100 or more properties) are largely responsible for this rise. Of all investor purchases made in June 2021, 20% were made by large investors. This is much higher than 11% in 2020 or 14% in 2019. Small investors (those who retain between 3 and 10 properties), have declined slightly and now account for less than half of investor purchases at 46% in June. Mid-sized investors (those who retain 11-99 properties) have stayed constant, oscillating around 35% percent in the past 30 months. The pandemic seemed to drive away large investors, but they are now making up their largest share of investor purchases seen in the past decade.

Of Investor Purchased Homes

If you have been outbid on a home there’s nearly a 1 in 4 chance it was to an investor or group of investors.

Source: https://mishtalk.com/economics/investors-rush-to-buy-nearly-1-in-4-homes

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