The best brief in economics I’ve ever read

Dear friends in liberty, 

I want to tell you about an essay I wrote earlier this year that is suddenly getting a lot of interest.  It surprises me.  

Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine, commissioned me to write an essay in honor of Adam Smith’s 300th birthday (1723).    
I tried to answer fundamental questions about money and the economy, such as: What is the secret to our tremendous economic growth over the past 250 years?…Why are young people so attracted to socialism?….Why is inflation coming back?…Is capitalism inherently unstable?….What is the economists’ solution to global warming?

The result was a cover story entitled, “Economics of Life Made Simple,” with a dozen charts. You can read it here:  Skeptic » Reading Room » The Economics of Life Made SimpleThe response has been tremendous.  A professor of accounting at Chapman University said, “I recently decided to read ‘Economics for Dummies’ to better understand economics, but I still couldn’t understand it until I read you essay, ‘Economics of Life Made Simple.’ Thank you!”
In his “What’s Ahead” podcast, Steve Forbes cited my essay in his three-minute podcast, “How to Get the U.S. Economy Booming Again.” Watch it here:  Steve Forbes: What’s Ahead: Spotlight: This Is How To Get The U.S. Economy Booming Again on Apple Podcasts

This essay also shows you how to incorporate gross output (GO) into economic analysis. I’ve had so many requests for this article that I printed up 2,000 copies and sent them to friends and handed them out to attendees at last week’s FreedomFest in Memphis.  A professor at the University of the Bahamas bought 50 copies to hand out to his students.  A coin dealer asked for 25 copies to hand out to his clients. 

A highly successful lawyer from North Dakota attended FreedomFest and picked up a copy of “Economics of Life Made Simple,” and read it.  He told a colleague, “This is the best brief in economics that I’ve ever read,” and made copies to send out to all his clients.  One Christian minister (who was before that a U of Chicago lawyer) wrote me, “I have just finished reading your Economics of Life Made Simple.  Marvelous!  I have never read a better expression by a sophisticated professional who has written to the clear understanding of laymen.  Congratulations!  I hope this will be widely circulated.  It is very important.”

If you would like a printed copy of my essay, go to  The price is $3 per copy, minimum order 3 copies.  I pay postage if mailed inside the US.  (Shipping is additional for foreign orders.)  
Thanks, AEIOU

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