Earlier this month I gave a speech at the Mont Pelerin Society at Bretton Woods, to mark the eightieth anniversary of the inception of the Bretton Woods System, which saw the creation of the IMF and World Bank as well as other aspects of the global financial system. I discussed the consequences of the last generation of monetary policy.
You can read the book I wrote with Steve Baker MP last year here, which goes through these topics: https://www.cobdencentre.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Steve-Baker-Max-Rangeley-Monograph-on-the-Bubble.pdf
Mont Pelerin Society meetings take place under the Chatham House Rule, so there are no recordings, but the reception to the Austrian School outline of our current problems was very well received, with lots of people asking to learn more.
The hotel hasn’t changed much in eighty years (see photos below)!