Opponents of gold, get on your mark

A good article from Brian Domitrovic on Forbes.com:

Let’s face it – we’ve seen what arbitrary government control and central bank manipulation can do. Namely, what the Federal Reserve has done since 2008. This is to scare everyone away from the currency such that there’s no investment, with inflation hedges (such as gold) shooting the moon, all the while stiffing the small defaulter and bailing out the biggest of the big.

This kind of anti-democratic monopolism is exactly what the gold standard forestalls, and The True Gold Standard explains why, among much else, in less than a hundred tidy pages.

Here’s another exquisite recommendation from the book: given gold, government bonds can’t count as bank reserves. This will do two things. First, dry up the market for government debt, an unqualified good in our age of trillion-dollar deficits. And second, release bank assets to be at the service of the real economy.

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