Economic bust and stable price levels
The yearly rate of growth of the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price index adjusted for food and energy stood at 1.3% in June –…
Dr Frank Shostak is a leading Austrian economist and director of Applied Austrian School Economics Ltd, which aims to assess the direction of various markets using the Austrian School methodology. AASE aims to make Austrian economics accessible to businessmen.
The yearly rate of growth of the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price index adjusted for food and energy stood at 1.3% in June –…
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) confirmed that Greece had not made its scheduled 1.6 billion euro loan repayment to the fund. As a result…
In May the US unemployment rate stood at 5.5% against the rate of 5.3% for the natural unemployment also known as the Non-Accelerating Inflation…
Mainstream view of what velocity is According to popular thinking the idea of velocity is straightforward. It is held that over any interval of…
In his article The Big Meh (The New York Times 28 of May 2015) the columnist Paul Krugman complains that despite all the information…
It is accepted by most economists that initial increases in consumer or other outlays tend to set in motion a reinforcing process which supposedly…
In a market economy a major service that money provides is that of the medium of exchange. Producers exchange their goods for money and…
[Editor’s Note: This piece first appeared here] There are two kinds of credit: that which would be offered in a market economy with sound…
For the head of the Federal Reserve Board Janet Yellen and most economists the key to economic growth is a strengthening in the labor…
The European Central Bank (ECB) is planning to pump 1.1 trillion euro’s into the banking system to fend off price deflation and revive economic…