What is behind the predictive power of the yield curve?
After rising to 3.33% in March, the differential between the 10-year US Treasury Note and the federal funds rate eased to 3.07% at the…
Dr Frank Shostak is a leading Austrian economist and director of Applied Austrian School Economics Ltd, which aims to assess the direction of various markets using the Austrian School methodology. AASE aims to make Austrian economics accessible to businessmen.
After rising to 3.33% in March, the differential between the 10-year US Treasury Note and the federal funds rate eased to 3.07% at the…
At the International Monetary Conference in Atlanta June 7, 2011 the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said, As is often the case, the ability and…
U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner said in a letter to Senator Michael Bennet, a Colorado Democrat, that a default arising from failing to raise the…
In his various writings, the famous Austrian economist Murray Rothbard argued that in a free market economy that operates on a gold standard the…
In their various statements, central bank policy makers have said that the key to economic growth is a smooth flow of credit. For them,…
The idea of a neutral interest rate emanates from the writings of the Swedish economist Knut Wicksell. According to Wicksell, There is a certain…
Economists have always been envious of the practitioners of the natural and exact sciences. They have thought that introducing the methods of natural sciences…
According to popular thinking, not every increase in the supply of money will have an effect on the production of goods. For instance, if…
In his speech at the National Press Club, Washington, DC on February 3, 2011 the Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke repeated that the…
According to the Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT), the artificial lowering of interest rates by the central bank leads to a misallocation of resources…