The multiplier fable
By Dr Frank Shostak By popular thinking, the key driver of economic growth is increases in the total demand for goods and services. It…
Dr Frank Shostak is a leading Austrian economist and director of Applied Austrian School Economics Ltd, which aims to assess the direction of various markets using the Austrian School methodology. AASE aims to make Austrian economics accessible to businessmen.
By Dr Frank Shostak By popular thinking, the key driver of economic growth is increases in the total demand for goods and services. It…
Why the idea of an optimum growth rate of money supply is questionable By Dr Frank Shostak It is widely held that a growing…
By Dr Frank Shostak Resources that are utilized to promote economic prosperity in normal times become underutilized during recessions. Some experts are of the…
By Dr Frank Shostak Is it possible to ascertain the state of the economy by looking at the data? Most economists are of the…
By Dr Frank Shostak According to John Maynard Keynes, The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are…
By Dr Frank Shostak There is almost complete unanimity among economists and various commentators that inflation is about general increases in the prices of…
By Dr Frank Shostak Some commentators regard profit as the outcome of exploitation of some individuals by some other individuals. Profit however, has nothing…
By Dr Frank Shostak We suggest that the heart of economic growth is an expanding subsistence fund or the pool of real savings. This…
By Dr Frank Shostak By a popular view, a strengthening in the stock market i.e. a general increase in the stock prices is considered…
By Dr Frank Shostak Why is inflation regarded as bad news? What kind of damage does it do? Popular commentators maintain that inflation causes…