25 June 09<11 February 10 Martin Wolf – Reform of regulation has to start by altering incentives by Steve Baker Via FT.com / Columnists / Martin Wolf – Reform of regulation has to start by altering incentives: At the heart of the financial industry are…
20 June 09<18 July 09 Mervyn King – change to the structure, regulation and culture of our banking system is necessary by Steve Baker Via Speech by MERVYN KING GOVERNOR OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND: We need to reflect more deeply on the nature of the failures before designing a…
14 May 09<11 February 10 A Banking System We Can Trust – Forbes.com by Steve Baker Via A Banking System We Can Trust – Forbes.com: Turn all financial firms into mutual funds. Before throwing more money at Wall Street, let’s…
26 September 08<11 February 10 US Economy: Even Hank Paulson’s bail-out plan cannot detox global banking – Telegraph by Steve Baker Via US Economy: Even Hank Paulson’s bail-out plan cannot detox global banking – Telegraph: Even if Congress backs the Paulson bail-out, the $700 billion blast…