The terrain of the banking debate today
byVia Parliament’s Order of Business for Monday 29 November 2010, we see the terrain of the the banking debate today. Michael Meacher’s motion comes first,…
Via Parliament’s Order of Business for Monday 29 November 2010, we see the terrain of the the banking debate today. Michael Meacher’s motion comes first,…
Via Note from Her Majesty’s Treasury on EMU (Novembre 1989): The European Council agreed at its meeting in Madrid in June to launch the first…
The escalating debt crisis on the eurozone periphery is starting to contaminate the creditworthiness of Germany and the core states of monetary union. via…
Britain’s Trillion Pound Horror Story will be transmitted on Channel 4, tonight Thursday, 11 Nov at 9pm: Film maker Martin Durkin explains the full extent…
Innovation is the secret of economic success – The Telegraph – George Osborne and Eric Schmidt The assertion that dynamism and innovation are crucial…
I read this yesterday and almost fell off my chair laughing. As ever, George Monbiot remains totally clueless about the ideas, motivations and complexities…
Jeff Tucker, of, discusses the power of ideas, the universality of ideas, and the indestructibility of ideas, at the recent Mises Supporters Summit….
I was cheerfully minding my own business, on the 6:53 into Paddington this morning, when I was startled into alertness by the following quote…
Nigel Farage, on form:
Over at CentreRight, I ask What is “Right-wing”?: So the Conservative Party for over 100 years has become the defender of the individual against…