
The Cobden Centre receives its donations from small donors like you. We use this to promote the ideals of honest money and social progress. Even when we have organised major events, such as the Future of Artificial Intelligence roundtable discussions in the European Parliament, we have not taken large donations from corporations. This allows us to focus on what matters for the general public.

If you would like to make a donation, please click here:

Here are some of the things your kind donation will be used for:

— understanding perspectives on banking reform

— presenting theories of banking reform in important institutions such as the European Parliament, OECD and Bank of England

— researching how emerging technologies such as AI can be used to benefit everybody

— explaining monetary reform to the public

— working with other think tanks and academics on a non-partisan basis

— bringing together some of the best talent in the world in these areas of research

You can see our documentary on the banking and monetary system, which was funded purely with kind donations so that it can be made available to be watched for free worldwide.