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Displaying 1 to 10 of 101 files.
Cobden Centre
A Treatise on Political Economy
» 28.7 MiB - 3,715 hits - 1 February 12
A Treatise on Political Economy
Jean-Baptiste Say
Act 2 of Parliament for Erecting a Bank in Scotland, 1695
» 378.6 KiB - 5,726 hits - 6 March 12
Brief Guide to Money and Banking
» 554.2 KiB - 6,552 hits - 27 October 09
Baxendale and Evans' measure of the money supply and the key ideas behind the economic crisis and our route out.
Capital and Production
» 15.8 MiB - 5,438 hits - 12 September 12
Richard Ritter von Strigl (1891–1942) was one of the most brilliant Austrian economists of the interwar period. As a professor at the University of Vienna he had a decisive influence on Hayek, Machlup, Haberler, Morgenstern, and other fourth-generation Austrian economists.
Translated by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, with an extended introduction by Jörg Guido Hülsmann, Capital and Production is the essential foundation — both in theory and in the history of thought — to Austrian macroeconomics.
» 33.0 MiB - 3,740 hits - 20 June 12
Cobden Logo 150x150
» 18.6 KiB - 5,148 hits - 17 December 12
» 233.1 KiB - 6,509 hits - 27 April 10
Arden Partners: An Illusion of Prosperity
Corrigan - Tangible Ideas - May-June 2011
» 1.3 MiB - 5,692 hits - 9 May 11
Sean Corrigan - Tangible Ideas - May-June 2011
Economics and the Public Welfare
» 37.5 MiB - 3,437 hits - 10 February 12
Economics and the Public Welfare
Benjamin Anderson
Failure of the 'New Economics'
» 21.5 MiB - 3,426 hits - 3 February 12
Failure of the 'New Economics'
Henry Hazlitt