Economics, Law14 September 10<14 September 10 What is the Legal Relationship Between the Banker and his Customer? by Toby Baxendale In Parliament this Wednesday, there is a Ten Minute Rule Bill being introduced into Parliament by the inspirational and principled MP for Clacton, Douglas…
Economics11 March 10<29 July 10 Why all Banks are Insolvent by Toby Baxendale Why Even the Best Banks are Insolvent and Inherently Dishonest We are told that Barclays is a good bank and it did well not…
Economics, Ethics, Law, Society8 March 10<21 June 10 The Ethics of Capitalism: A Secular and a Theological Justification by Toby Baxendale The current debate about bankers’ bonuses is often seen as one of fairness pitted against the greed of those nasty capitalists,. To me, bankers…
Economics26 February 10<21 February 10 Presbyterian Mutual Society and a Solution to Pay out all its Creditors and its Place in the Honest Money Movement by Toby Baxendale A bank , building society that uses factional reserves, lends long and pays out short is only going to exist should confidence be kept…