Economics26 October 13<26 October 13 Money printing: not what it was by Adrian Ash There are lots of reasons why QE hasn’t yet created inflation in the rich West… SO HEADLINE writers everywhere got to say money really…
Economics7 August 13<7 August 13 Price inflation approaching by Alasdair Macleod There is some evidence in the UK of a pick-up in consumer spending, probably echoed elsewhere. There are two likely factors behind this, the…
Economics19 October 12<19 October 12 A tweet too far? by John Butler “Unbelievable jobs numbers…these Chicago guys will do anything…can’t debate so change numbers.” So read the ‘tweet’ that the media immediately labeled a ‘conspiracy theory’,…
Economics22 April 12<22 April 12 The paradox of choice by Alasdair Macleod Here is a puzzle for Keynesian and other neo-classical economists. When a consumer buys something, he must choose; and if he increases his purchase…
Economics9 September 09<25 November 09 Material Evidence by Sean Corrigan In the 1 September 2009 edition of Material Evidence, Sean Corrigan explains why the stock market is rising and why the appearance of prosperity…
Economics, Press5 August 09<5 August 09 – “Beware of errors in output gap data” by Toby Baxendale Entrepreneur and economist Toby Baxendale responds to warnings over errors in output gap data by explaining that there is no output gap, only lost…